Thursday 11 August 2011

Concerns related to economy, culture and environment

Concerns related to economy, culture and environment included:
·         Minimal spend among visitors (especially Europeans)
·         Inappropriate and anti-social behaviour of some local children
·         A sense of intrusion by cruise visitors
·         Local protests may send the wrong message to cruise companies
·         Standard of arts and crafts could be improved for saleability
·         Adverse effect on marine wildlife
·         Increased risk of marine pollution
·         Variable ice conditions and existence of choke points in NWP
·         Poor charting of safe shipping lanes throughout the Arctic
·         Fear of passenger safety due to vessel’s grounding and/or sinking
·         Increased risk of breaches bio-security and sovereignty


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  3. In Arctic visitors can watch the beauty of nature and the wildlife. In day by day there increase the Marin pollution which is not good for the Marin wildlife.
    Cruises to the Arctic
