Thursday 11 August 2011

The Benefits of Cruise Tourism

The cultural shows were highlighted to provide unique opportunities for local performers to learn about Inuit culture, while also showcasing Inuit culture and traditions.

The guided walks were regarded as important to share local history with visitors. Cruise tourism in this sense was reported to make residents feel proud of their culture, elders and the work of the cultural group, and the local guides.

The opportunity to meet new people, make ‘friends’ and to participate in activities with visitors was highly valued. The generation of seasonal, indirect and supplementary income for the community, especially the guides, carvers, artists and performers was also noted. That cruises allowed relatively large numbers of visitors to hosted in a short was thought to be an efficient use of time and resources.

1 comment:

  1. One of the tourism coordinator mention that there is no need to traditional culture performs. I do not believe that it promotes traditional culture performs.
