Monday 20 August 2012

Developing a Code of Conduct for Cruise Tourists

As a result of our work on cruise tourism in Nunavut we would like to help develop a 'code of conduct' for cruise ship visitors to the Territory (i.e. things that visitors should and shouldn't do!) Of the people we've spoken to so far, these were the things on their list, but feel free to add your thoughts by clicking on the 'comment' box at the end of the post:

What tourists need to know:
·      Education about drugs and alcohol
o   Bringing illegal substances to communities is not allowed
o   Some communities are dry and no alcohol can be brought in
o   Trading alcohol for local products is wrong
·      Education on what is legal and illegal to buy and bring back to home countries
o   Be better informed about import laws for wildlife products
·      Education about our culture and daily life
o   How we live is different from you
o   Seal products are important to our culture and livelihood

What tourists need to do:
·      Ask permission to take photographs
·      Show respect and consideration
o   Respect our right to privacy in our homes and our lives
o   Don’t come into the community with a sense of superiority
o   Don’t judge people or practices in communities
o   Think about nature and culture
o   Don’t do things that would be unacceptable in your own community
·      Stick with tour guides and stay together as a group
o   Don’t wander around on your own unless invited to
o   Think about how it feels to have 100 or so new faces in our community
·      Give proper value for carvings and paintings
·      Don’t throw waste off boats
·      Don’t do anything to harm our children
·      Don’t buy the food at local stores that we need for our survival
·      Help protect the areas where we hunt and fish

1 comment:

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